We are passionate about delivering transformational, science-led innovation that is distinctly accessible for all. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, heart disease, migraine, and COVID-19 don't discriminate based on where you live or how much you make, and we believe medicine shouldn’t either.

Our Team

Our team is comprised of leaders in neurobiology, drug and vaccine development, infectious disease, and disruptive ideas.

Leadership Team

Jean-Cosme Dodart, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer

Mei Mei Hu, JD

Chief Executive Officer

Mark Joinnides, MSE

Chief of Staff

Manal Morsy, MD, PhD, MBA

Chief Regulatory Officer

Jason Pesile

Chief Accounting Officer

Sumita Ray, JD

Chief Legal, Compliance & Administrative Officer

Lou Reese

Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of the Board

Board of Directors
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Lou Reese

Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of the Board

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Mei Mei Hu, JD

Chief Executive Officer

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Landon Ogilvie


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George Hornig

Director, Audit Committee Chair

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Gaby Toledano

Director, Compensation Committee Chair

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James Smith


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Peter H. Diamandis, MD

Director, Nominating And Corporate Governance Committee Chair

Science Advisory Board
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Thomas P. Monath, MD

Crozet BioPharma

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Wayne Koff, PhD

NIH, Human Vaccines Project

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Stanley A. Plotkin, MD

Johns Hopkins, Vaxconsult

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Brad Boeve, MD

Mayo Clinic

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Richard Mohs, Ph.D

Global Alzheimer’s Platform

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Jeffrey Cummings, MD, ScD

Cleveland Clinic

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Eric Reiman M.D

Banner Research

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Nick Fox, MD

UCL Neurology

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Stephen D. Silberstein, M.D.

Thomas Jefferson University

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Kausik K. Ray, M.D.

Imperial College London, European Atherosclerosis Society

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Stephen Nicholls, Ph.D.

Monash University Victorian Heart Institute

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Frederick Raal, Ph.D.

University of the Witwatersrand

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Dirk von Lewinski, M.D.

Medical University of Graz

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Thomas Fleming, Ph.D.

University of Washington Biostatistics

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Parviz Ghahramani, Ph.D.
